....so this has gotta be my best op shop purchase EVER!...I'd never heard of Bonfit patterners before, but as soon as I saw it propped up in the craft section with the template of the pants piece on the front..I knew it was going to be good :-)So of course, I grabbed it quick, paid my $12.50 (yep! $12.50!!) and pretty much ran out of the shop to my car........Yes it's good!..how have I never heard of these before?! I'm guessing that it must have been sold originally in Aus, because the video plays fine, and has a PAL compatability sticker on it.I'm on the look out for the bodice and the skirt versions now (don't suppose it will be as easy as walking into the op shop again though!)I thought I would test it out on some lounge/pj pants...I used a piece of sheeting that I had in my stash (originally going to be a quilt backing), and followed the patterner guide for palazzo pants...the result? - a perfect (and stylish ;-D) alternative to my old trackydaks :-) Love it, love it, love it!! (and the best bit is, there's no annoying paper pattern to fight with...I drew the pattern straight onto the fabric)
.....ok, so not much knitting has been done these past few days, but that's not to say that I haven't been thinking and planning and reading about it ;-D ...oh yes..and shopping! Look at these books that I bought from the Op Shop (thrift store) for $10 the lot! I now feel fully inspired to get moving on my Rusted Root :-)
I downloaded some free sewing software yesterday from Wild Ginger Software It drafts out patterns for bags, hats, pockets, shawls, aprons, slippers, thongs...and heaps more stuff. All the dimensions can be custom set, and the full size patterns can then be printed out. I made this tie-top bag to be the same size as one I already have...I printed the pattern and cut out the fabric last night (it printed onto 9 A4 sheets which I just taped together), and then I sewed it this morning...I reckon all up, it took less than an hour to make :-) I still have to topstitch around the edge, but I don't have the right colour cotton yet (oh I guess that means another trip to Spotlight!...really, I'll use any excuse!)Now that I know how good the software works, I'll spend a bit more time on the next bag...maybe some inside pockets and a closure?... the options are endles :-)
Just a quick Rusted Root progress piccy :-) I guess that black isn't the best colour to highlight a lacy panel, but as long as I remember to wear something light coloured underneath, it should still show up ok. It's knitting up really fast with the Sean Sheep 8ply, and has a really nice feel to it. ...so far, so good :-D
Well, my Unbiased from Knitty is finally finished :-) This was such an easy bag pattern, a one that would look heaps different with every yarn choice. I made this one to the measurements on the pattern, and it makes it a really good size for holding knitting projects with straight knitting needles. I think I'll make another one, but next time make it deeper, for a more slouchy kinda bag. The good thing about this pattern, is that it can be made to any size just by adjusting the dimensions of your 4 diagonal pieces. One of the current projects over on the Sexy Knitters Club blog is Rusted Root. After sorting through my stash (really, I am trying hard to de-stash!) I found some black Sean Sheep Bonza 8 ply, that I thought would work good. I love the look of the puff sleeves on the pattern, but thought I may change them to an ordinary cap sleeve...I'll be wearing it layered over other clothes, so maybe the puffy will be too much. With changing the sleeves, I got to thinking that it might be possible to make it, by just using a basic top down raglan. I looked through some stitch pattern books to see if I had a similar leaf pattern for the lacy insert, and I found what I think is the exact one!! :-D How cool is that!?! ...ok!, time to put my pattern adapting to the test :-)