Yay, finished at last!
I'm really happy with the way it turned out...I really wasn't sure about it until I added the polar fleece backing...but it gave it heaps more 'body', and helped it to stay in shape...(it also makes it more 'baby friendly' because it's so soft).
Hopefully now, I can quickly finish her quilt, and get it sent off, with the blanket and jacket, to the UK for her to use before she gets too big :-D

That looks so sweet.
You have done a marvellous job!
That's gorgeous. I love the colours and the way you've put it all together.
WHat a cute blanket! I love the colors. Well done.
Abolutely wonderful and cute!
Those are so charming! I hope some of my friends will start having girl-babies so I can put that technique to use!
Gosh, this blanket is absolutely awesome - the hearts are so cute, and I love how the colours go along together! Fantastic job indeed!
Dipsy D.
What a beautiful blanket! Job well done!
Here from a trip on the Knitting Path!
I love this quilt!
I love your blanket. I would love to make one for my daughter. Do you have a pattern?
Wow! This heart quilt is absolutely beautiful. Where can I find instructions for this? My friend is having a baby. Beautiful job!
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