After spending a really enjoyable, quiet (but exciting) weekend with Harry, Ron and Hermione, I'm back and raring to knit :-) (How cool was it that whilst the rest of the world queued and queued through the night to get their copy at midnight, we were able to walk into Big W when they opened at 8.30 on saturday morning and be handed a copy upon living in australia :-D) Anyways!....on to my knitting progress... I started the Coquette Lace Tube Top from Fitted Knits...this is knitting up really nicely. I thought it would take more concentration than it does, but the centre lace panel is easy to remember, making it a good telly watching project :-) I'll probably make the Two-toned Ribbed Shrug from the same book, to wear over the top of it. The yarn is just THE best...I'm using Colonial 8 ply from Bendigo Woollen Mills. This is the first time I've used it, and I am loving it...will definately buy more. My winter top down cardi is kinda designing itself...The shape is just going to be a basic scoop neck, and I'm letting my stash of Sean Sheep wool determine the colours ... meaning I'm knitting blindly until it's all gone! :-D
I was trying to hold off starting a new project until my copy of Fitted Knits arrives from Amazon....but y'know what it's like...sometimes you've just gotta knit ;-D I started this generic top down cardi using some Sean Sheep 100% wool from my stash...I'm using size 15 (us) needles with 3 strands of yarn held's really cold in Adelaide right now, so it needed to be extra was going to be a sweater, but the wool is a bit scratchy and will probably need an underneath layer of clothes, so a cardi it is :-) I'm still trying to decide if I like my Tubey/one skein wonder 'hybrid'... so until I know, I've put it on hold for a while....this is where it's at so far: I also got out my old Bond knitting machine after reading about one on another blog....I've had this Bond for over 20 years, it's survived 5 house moves and one 'other side of the world' move, and has not been used in all that time...well, I managed to find all of the pieces, got it set up, and I even remembered how to use it! It's awesome...and I can't remember why I stopped using it?...the last thing I made was a baby outfit (jumper, leggings, hat) for my daughter (who is now nearly 21!). I even found the pattern book, and showed her what I'd made (ha! she said she would have prefered the pink dress on the next page!!!! I offered to make it for her now, but she thought it might be a tinsy bit small...!!?!!) :-D