...how good is that?! Anybody that has ever used Ravelry for their knitting addiction, will know just how awesome that site is. I've been reading on people's blogs for ages, how everyone wants a quilting equivalent, and yippee!!!...it looks like there may be one forming :-)Quiltgroup is now in the process of sending out invitations. Mine came within a week, and so far, it looks like the site will be a good one! My username over there is Linda
It's still been too hot to knit here in Adelaide, so I got to work on a new quilt instead....I've got no real plan in mind for it, other than I want it to be 'liberated' and busy! The quilt so far....
It's been a while since I blogged, but really..... I do have some good excuses :-D One has been the weather here in Adelaide...OMG!, we're having an incredible summer heatwave, with temperatures over 40 for the past week, and 38+ to come, with no end in sight (even our overnight lows have been in the 30s!)...so, needless to say, it hasn't been the best time to knit :-D My other excuse, which I've gotta say, is a whole lot more exciting, is that I became a Grandma!...and yep, he was born in the heatwave (45.5 degrees for his first day!!) ... so forget all the clothes and blankies we made him!....he's been very happy in his nappy and Bonds chesty!!!! I did knit him a toy a few weeks back that I didn't get around to blogging about, so in the words of Blue Peter, 'here's one I made earlier!'
The pattern is Little Blossom by Alan Dart...it was really cute to knit, but pretty fiddly to sew up (I really need to brush up on my finishing skills!)....maybe next time, I'll try converting the pattern to seamless. I found the pattern in a Simply Knitting mag from my local library (Simply Knitting 29). The only mod that I made was to use a pre-made lace daisy chain for the headband...I had heaps of trys with the knitted one, but they all reminded me more of fried eggs than daisies!!...not the best look for around the head of a cute pink elephant :-D